Our stories must matter
This Sunday evening marks the start of the first-ever Lyme conference held in Canada. For two-and-a-half days, Lyme advocates, chronic Lyme disease sufferers, supporters, doctors, government agencies, bureaucrats, and politicians will gather together at the Government Conference Centre in Ottawa, Ontario to discuss the need and the legislative mandate to create and implement a national framework for…
What does Lyme feel like?
I don’t have chronic Lyme. My son does. Having been right by his side on this journey for almost four years now, and having witnessed the suffering of hundreds of others both in person and online, I am qualified to tell you what Lyme feels like. It’s different for everyone. But there are many symptoms that…
A stranglehold of victimization
Lyme sufferers are victimized in at least FIVE different ways: 1.by the disease itself 2. by doctors who turn their backs 3. by loved ones who roll their eyes and walk away 4. by insurers who refuse to provide coverage 5. by the CDC and IDSA who together say that chronic…
Calling All Therapists
While Lyme sufferers continue to bang loudly and futilely at the door of medical doctors — including infectious disease specialists, pain specialists, neurologists, internists, cardiologists, hepatologists, gastroenterologists, rheumatologists and the like — what they desperately need is more and more people to continue to take a brave stand and demonstrate to the world that this disease is very real and…
Lyme is a ‘do-it-yourself’ disease
How is it that chronic Lyme disease is an illness that hundreds of thousands if not millions of sufferers are forced to navigate primarily on their own, save for a handful of brave and noble doctors? How is it that chronic Lyme is a ‘do-it-yourself disease’ (aptly coined by senior producer Kris Newby of award-winning ‘Under Our Skin’ fame)…
The Ugly Politics of Lyme
Chronic Lyme disease is a highly toxic, parasitic, systemically destructive, AIDS-like, post-sepsis illness that is very easy to contract and terribly difficult to treat and eradicate. For more than four decades now, this disease has and continues to damage the lives of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, worldwide. And despite what some sources may tell you, the…
Yes, Lyme is ‘all in your head’
Many doctors will have you believe that Lyme Disease can be easily treated and easily cured with a round of antibiotics. That is in those rare cases where the doctor will actually acknowledge the existence of Lyme. Most doctors however will tell you that Lyme is “all in your head”. And in fact, they are…
Beware Lyme In Canada. Where Few Will Treat You.
It has taken me years of navigating this disease, on behalf of my son, to finally arrive at this clear understanding of what chronic Lyme really is. It’s been a long, tough, and challenging road — from first symptoms to diagnosis to treatment to healing. A road that, unfortunately, we’re still travelling, as most Lyme sufferers…
Why Lyme Is Madness
The madness of Chronic Lyme Disease is complex and multi-layered. Where to begin? Click here to find out.